CleanShot 2023-12-02 at 11 
We've made some improvements to our mobile UI related to sessions that aims to make the experience better.
Cards now display full screen
When viewing a session card, it now displays in full screen, without any space around it. You close it by clicking X now instead of clicking the background.
Role Picker
The role picker now slides up from the bottom instead of being a smaller popup box, making it easier to see.
We've disabled the ability to resize/rescale the page of mobile, to make it more user friendly and consistent.
Bookmarking Improvements
We've improved the manifest file used when you bookmark Hyra on mobile. When book marking Hyra on iOS, it will now feel almost like a native app.
Calendar Arrows
We've improved the way the arrows on the session calendar appear on mobile to avoid them being cut off.
Session logs
Session logs have been moved to a fold away section that can be opened or closed. Session logs are also now socket based, meaning you will see changes in near real-time.
Other improvements
  • Authentication session length has been extended from 7 days to 30 days.
That's all for this week! :)